トップ  > Kazu's BLOG  > 【英語】広島大学入試 グラフ/図表の描写問題 模擬問題4題

【英語】広島大学入試 グラフ/図表の描写問題 模擬問題4題












(1) 表の中のデータはAIが作成したものですので、実際のデータとして正しいとは限りません。
(2) 入試問題では実際のデータを反映した具体的な内容が出題されることが多いですが、以下の問題では作成の都合上多少抽象的なデータになっているものがあったり、問題の出し方が異なっていたりします。あくまで類似問題と思ってご活用ください
(3) 模範解答は作成していませんので、必要がありましたらお知り合いの英語の先生に添削してもらうなどをお願いいたします。


1. The bar chart below represents the membership distribution by gender and age group at a sports gym. In about 90 words, first describe the key features of the graph, and then write about the possible reasons why these patterns may occur.



2. The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to different tourist destinations across four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In about 90 words, first describe the main features of the graph. Then, write about the possible reasons for these seasonal patterns.

3. Refer to the table below, which presents data on the most recent GDP growth rates, average GDP growth rates over the last few years, and tertiary education* enrollment rates for various countries. In approximately 100 words, analyze the relationship between economic growth and education levels. Discuss any trends or patterns you observe and consider possible explanations for these relationships.

*tertiary education 高等教育(大学以上の教育)

4. Examine the table below, which provides data on total population, age distribution, and urban population percentages for five different countries. In about 100 words, describe the most notable demographic* patterns you observe. Discuss how the proportion of young and elderly populations might affect urbanization and economic growth in these countries.

*demographic 人口統計の



at 2024/09/25 21:53:01