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【英語】広島大学入試 英語 要約模擬問題








1. Read the following passage and grasp the main ideas. Then, summarize each paragraph within 60 characters in Japanese and the entire passage within 200 characters in Japanese.

     In recent years, renewable energy has gained significant attention as a solution to the growing concerns over climate change and fossil fuel depletion. Solar power, one of the most prominent forms of renewable energy, harnesses the energy from the sun using photovoltaic cells. These cells convert sunlight directly into electricity, providing a clean and sustainable energy source. Solar power systems can be installed on rooftops or in large solar farms, making them versatile and scalable to different energy needs. Advances in solar technology have led to increased efficiency and lower costs, making solar energy more accessible to both individuals and businesses.
     Wind power is another crucial component of the renewable energy landscape. Wind turbines capture the kinetic energy of wind and convert it into electrical power. These turbines are often placed in windy areas, such as coastal regions and open plains, to maximize energy generation. Advances in wind turbine technology have significantly increased their efficiency and reduced costs, making wind power a competitive alternative to traditional energy sources. Furthermore, offshore wind farms are emerging as a promising avenue for large-scale energy production. These offshore installations benefit from stronger and more consistent winds compared to onshore sites, further enhancing their energy output.
     Hydropower, derived from the energy of flowing water, is one of the oldest and most established forms of renewable energy. Hydropower plants typically use dams to store water in a reservoir, which is then released to flow through turbines, generating electricity. This method provides a reliable and consistent energy supply, as it is less dependent on weather conditions compared to solar and wind power. However, the construction of large dams can have significant environmental and social impacts, such as habitat destruction and displacement of communities. Despite these challenges, small-scale hydropower projects, which have fewer environmental impacts, are gaining popularity.
     Geothermal energy, which harnesses the heat from within the Earth, offers another renewable energy solution. Geothermal power plants use steam produced from underground reservoirs of hot water to drive turbines and generate electricity. This form of energy is highly efficient and produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, geothermal energy can provide a stable and continuous power supply, as it is not influenced by weather conditions. However, its availability is limited to regions with suitable geological conditions. Research is ongoing to develop enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) that could expand the geographic range of geothermal energy use.
     Despite the numerous benefits of renewable energy, there are challenges to its widespread adoption. One major issue is the intermittency of sources like solar and wind power, which depend on weather conditions and time of day. Energy storage technologies, such as batteries, are being developed to address this problem by storing excess energy generated during peak production times for use when production is low. Another challenge is the initial cost of renewable energy infrastructure, which can be higher than traditional energy sources. However, as technology advances and economies of scale are realized, these costs are expected to decrease. Additionally, government policies and incentives play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of renewable energy technologies.
     In conclusion, renewable energy presents a promising path towards a sustainable future. Solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy each offer unique benefits and challenges. Continued innovation, supportive policies, and global cooperation are essential to overcoming the obstacles and fully realizing the potential of renewable energy. By investing in these clean energy sources, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and create a healthier environment for future generations.

1.    第1段落: 太陽光発電は太陽エネルギーを直接電力に変換し、技術の進歩で効率とコストが改善されている。
2.    第2段落: 風力発電は風のエネルギーを電力に変え、特に洋上風力発電が有望である。
3.    第3段落: 水力発電は安定したエネルギー供給を提供するが、大規模ダムは環境や社会に影響を与える。
4.    第4段落: 地熱発電は安定した電力供給を実現し、研究により利用地域の拡大が期待されている。
5.    第5段落: 再生可能エネルギーの普及には天候依存や高コストなどの課題があるが、技術進歩と政策支援で解決が期待される。



2. Read the following passage and grasp the main ideas. Then, summarize each paragraph within 60 characters in Japanese and the entire passage within 200 characters in Japanese.

     The study of ecosystems is a fundamental aspect of ecology, providing insights into the complex interactions between organisms and their environments. Ecosystems are dynamic systems where living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, interact with each other and with their physical surroundings. These interactions create intricate networks of relationships that sustain life and maintain ecological balance. Understanding these relationships is crucial for preserving biodiversity and ensuring the health of our planet.
     One key concept in ecosystem studies is the food web, which illustrates the flow of energy and nutrients through different trophic levels. At the base of the food web are primary producers, such as plants and algae, that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Herbivores, or primary consumers, feed on these producers, while secondary consumers, or carnivores, prey on the herbivores. Decomposers, such as fungi and bacteria, break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. This continuous flow of energy and nutrients is essential for the survival of all organisms within the ecosystem.
     Ecosystems can be broadly categorized into terrestrial and aquatic systems. Terrestrial ecosystems include forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundras, each characterized by distinct climates, soils, and biological communities. Aquatic ecosystems encompass freshwater environments, such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands, as well as marine environments, including oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. Each type of ecosystem supports unique forms of life and contributes to the overall diversity of the biosphere. For instance, coral reefs are known for their high biodiversity, providing habitat for a vast array of marine species, while forests are crucial for carbon sequestration and oxygen production.
Human activities have profound impacts on ecosystems, often leading to degradation and loss of biodiversity. Deforestation, pollution, overfishing, and climate change are among the major threats to ecosystems worldwide. These activities disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to consequences such as habitat destruction, species extinction, and altered ecosystem functions. For example, deforestation not only reduces the number of trees but also affects the entire ecosystem by disrupting the habitats of countless species. Pollution, particularly plastic pollution, has devastating effects on marine ecosystems, endangering marine life and contaminating water sources.
     Conservation efforts are essential for mitigating the impacts of human activities on ecosystems. Establishing protected areas, such as national parks and marine reserves, helps preserve critical habitats and protect endangered species. Sustainable resource management practices, such as sustainable forestry and fisheries, aim to balance human needs with environmental preservation. Additionally, environmental policies and international agreements play a crucial role in promoting conservation and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources. For example, the Paris Agreement seeks to limit global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is vital for protecting ecosystems affected by climate change.
     In conclusion, ecosystems are intricate networks of interactions that sustain life on Earth. The study of ecosystems helps us understand the flow of energy and nutrients, the diversity of life forms, and the effects of human activities on natural environments. By fostering a deeper appreciation of ecosystems and implementing effective conservation strategies, we can work towards preserving the health and diversity of our planet for future generations. Protecting ecosystems is not only about conserving biodiversity but also about ensuring the well-being of human populations that rely on these natural systems for resources, climate regulation, and overall ecological balance.

1.    第1段落: 生態系は生物と環境の相互作用を通じて生命を支える動的システムである。
2.    第2段落: 食物網はエネルギーと栄養素の流れを示し、生態系の存続に不可欠である。
3.    第3段落: 生態系は陸上と水域に分類され、それぞれが独自の生物多様性を支える。
4.    第4段落: 人間活動は生態系に悪影響を与え、生物多様性の喪失を引き起こす。
5.    第5段落: 生態系の保護には、保護区域の設置や持続可能な資源管理、環境政策が重要である。



3. Read the following passage and grasp the main ideas. Then, summarize each paragraph within 60 characters in Japanese and the entire passage within 200 characters in Japanese.

     The study of genetics has revolutionized our understanding of biology, shedding light on the mechanisms that govern heredity and variation in living organisms. Genetics is the branch of biology that focuses on genes, the units of heredity that are passed from parents to offspring. These genes are composed of DNA, which carries the instructions for the development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms. The field of genetics has far-reaching implications, from medical research to agriculture and beyond.
     One of the most groundbreaking discoveries in genetics was the structure of DNA, identified by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. They revealed that DNA is a double helix, a twisted ladder-like structure composed of two strands. This discovery laid the foundation for understanding how genetic information is stored, replicated, and transmitted. The double helix structure allows for the precise copying of genetic material during cell division, ensuring that each new cell receives an exact copy of the DNA.
     The mapping of the human genome, completed in 2003, was another monumental achievement in genetics. The Human Genome Project identified and mapped all the genes in human DNA, providing an invaluable resource for researchers. This comprehensive map has paved the way for advances in personalized medicine, allowing for treatments tailored to an individual's genetic makeup. It has also enabled scientists to identify genetic mutations associated with various diseases, leading to improved diagnostic methods and potential therapies.
     Genetic engineering, a rapidly advancing field within genetics, involves directly modifying an organism's DNA to achieve desired traits. This technology has numerous applications, from creating disease-resistant crops to developing gene therapies for genetic disorders. CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary gene-editing tool, allows scientists to precisely alter specific genes within an organism's genome. This has opened up new possibilities for curing genetic diseases, improving agricultural productivity, and even addressing ecological challenges.
     Despite the promising advances in genetics, there are ethical considerations and potential risks associated with genetic manipulation. Concerns include the unintended consequences of altering genetic material, such as the creation of new diseases or the disruption of ecosystems. Ethical debates also surround the use of genetic information, particularly in terms of privacy and the potential for genetic discrimination. It is crucial to establish guidelines and regulations to ensure that genetic technologies are used responsibly and for the benefit of society as a whole.
     In conclusion, genetics has profoundly transformed our understanding of biology and has the potential to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. From medical breakthroughs to agricultural innovations, the applications of genetic research are vast and varied. However, it is essential to navigate the ethical and societal implications carefully to harness the full potential of genetics responsibly. By continuing to explore the mysteries of the genetic code, we can unlock new possibilities for improving health, sustainability, and quality of life.

1.    第1段落: 遺伝学は遺伝と変異の仕組みを解明し、生物の発達や機能、繁殖に関する知識を深める。
2.    第2段落: DNAの二重らせん構造の発見により、遺伝情報の保存、複製、伝達の仕組みが明らかになった。
3.    第3段落: ヒトゲノム計画により、個別化医療の進展や遺伝子変異の特定が可能となり、診断や治療法が改善された。
4.    第4段落: 遺伝子工学では、CRISPR-Cas9を用いた遺伝子編集により、病気に強い作物や遺伝性疾患の治療が進んでいる。
5.    第5段落: 遺伝子操作には新しい病気の創出や生態系の破壊などのリスクがあり、倫理的な議論と規制が必要である。
6.    第6段落: 遺伝学は医学や農業などで多大な応用があり、倫理的配慮を持ちながらその可能性を最大限に活用することが重要である。




at 2024/08/03 11:55:53